Welcome to Grace Baptist Church located in Richland, Missouri. Our prayer is that our site will serve as a tool to share the great news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to share this message by:
- Exalting God
- Encouraging Christians toward spiritual maturity
- Equipping Christians for Ministry
- Evangelizing the World for Christ
Please tour our site to find out more about our church and how we can serve you.
Follow us on Facebook for our most up to date information.
Sharing and Caring outreach cabinet
Our outreach committee has put together a "Care and Share Cabinet" for Richland. It is stocked with donations of food and hygiene items . It has been placed at Richland Hardware and is there for everyone to use! If you would like to Donate you can drop Donations off at the church ! or place it in the box in the hallway or go to online_offering to give a monetary donation designated to sharing and caring Thank you!
Wednesday Bible Study
Dinner at 5:30 p.m. Bible study at 6:00 p.m. Come and join us!
We have a potluck Dinner @ 5:30 With Bible Study @ 6:00 Every one Welcome